Produced to admire Richard Mille as the official alarm of the 2006 Perini Navi Cup and aggressive by the abominable yacht builders Perini Navi of Viareggio. RMs aboriginal attack into the sailing and a accurate afflatus to designers everywhere as to how to auspiciously abstract the D&A of a artefact and advance it in another. Though agnate to the added basal RM002 the 14 outshines it due to its unparalleled detail.
Richard Mille watch had an excepВtional design
For those who do not apperceive yet the cast watches Richard Mille, apperceive they are difВferВent from anyВthing you've anytime seen. ComВplete breach with the past, lookВing to the future, the cast does not hesВiВtate to creВate an origВiВnal architecture which is absolutely close, and posiВtion in the high-end marВket with allurВing prices.
In agreement of design, the cases of RM watches are disВtinВguished by their barrel-shaped and strucВtured dials.
Richard Mille has already proВduced abounding watches for athВletes and celebriВties, such as Booba WatВson, Rafael Nadal (who has had sevВeral mishaps with his watch), and added afresh SГ©bastien Loeb and Yohan Blake. He has aswell fabricated ​​speВcial issues on varВiВous topВics, but the RM014 is the alone one that is aggressive by the apple of sailing.

Indeed, this archetypal incorВpoВrates some beheld eleВments that arm-twist the apple of sailВing, includВing those manВuВfacВtured by Perini ViaregВgio. The appearance of the acme and case, the bridges of the tourВbilВlon and barВrel, the titaВnium screws from the case and moveВment, and abounding added eleВments are anon aggressive by the creВations of some data Perini Navi.

The RM014 movement
Richard Mille watches, it is a phiВlosВoВphy based on three speВcific eleВments: the best of techВnolВogy and innoВvaВtion, artisВtic dimenВsion and a able archiВtecВture. The RM 014 TourВbilВlon Perini Navi Cup is an excepВtion to the rule.
The meaВsured dimenВsions and athletic build, breadth 45 mm x 38.90 mm, 11.85 mm thickВest, manВual windВing tourВbilВlon added with hours, minВutes, moveВment, ability assets indiВcaВtor , torque indiВcaВtor and funcВtion selector.

Many innoВvaВtions and techВniВcal specВiВfiВcaВtions can be highВlighted: ability assets of 70 hours, torque indiВcaВtor to optiВmize wind the moveВment, variВable inerВtia balВance for greater reliВaВbilВity in case of shock, barВrel rapidly rotatВing pawl barВrel proВgresВsive decline, mode, and bigger time-setting, platВinum carВbon nanofiber system.
The plate, with a periphВeral rib which increases the rigidВity of the bowl and bridges, it is fabricated of isotropic mateВrВial, but aswell amorВphous and neuВtral clinВiВcally complete resisВtance to all elements.
Lot Description
Calibre RM 014 carbon nanofibre movement, 23 jewels, white gold chatons, chargeless sprung 2-arm glucydur spiral balance, in-line escapement, arresting tourbillon regulator, tourbillon cage with bowl endstone, the cellophane punch with corrective Arabic numerals and bright activated hour markers, power-reserve indicator amid 1 and 2, torque amid 2 and 4, action selector at 4, in three-part case, arced and tonneau-shaped, cellophane aback attached by eight formed titanium screws, push-button in the acme for action selection, 18k white gold RM buckle, case, punch and movement signed
MODEL | Perini Navi Cup Tourbillon |
REF NO. | RM 014-1 |
CONDITION | Pre-Owned |
YEAR | 2006 |
GENDER | Gents |
RETAIL PRICE | ($92,678 - $113,274) |
MOVEMENT | Manual |
CASE | 18 Carat Rose Gold |
BRACELET | Fabric |
SIZE | 39 |
DIAL | Skeleton |